Пауэрлифтинг в Смоленской области

Пауэрлифтинг в Смоленской области


Кубок Европы по пауэрлифтингу 23-25 Июля 1999, Villefranche-sur-Saone, France

European Union Cup 23-25th July 1999 Villefranche-sur-Saone, France

48.0 kg
1. Guillaume Sabine 63 47.4 France 122.5 62.5   150.0 335.0 ... 447.79
2. Rodriguez Silvia 66 44.1 Spain 110.0 55.0 NB 117.5 NB 282.5 ... 397.16
52.0 kg
1. Guilomat Sophie 75 50.9 France 135.0 67.5 NB 140.0 342.5 ... 434.05
2. Marriott Teresa 63 51.2 G. Britain 120.0 70.0   140.0 330.0 ... 416.32
-- Dujardin Yveline 66 51.9 Belgium 000.0 000. 0 000.0 --- Disq 0.0
56.0 kg
1. Wagner Carole 76 55.3 Luxembg 150.0 ECR 92.5 ECR 150.0 392.5 NR 466.40
2. Taillard Bernadet 58 53.1 France 152.5 ECR 72.5   160.0 385.0 ... 472.24
3. Seabright Allison 66 55.9 G. Britain 132.5 67.5   142.5 342.5 ... 403.56
60.0 kg
1. Fischer Birgit 63 58.5 Germany 152.5 82.5 NB 190.0 425.0 ... 483.26
2. Mezzafonte Cather 74 57.3 France 135.0 65.0   140.0 340.0 ... 392.90
3. Gonzales K.Montse 80 59.3 Spain 130.0 45.0   150.0 325.0 ... 365.65
67.5 kg
1. Jamin Cecile 66 66.9 France 185.0 95.0   207.5 487.5 ... 500.76
2. Wendt Anke 78 62.6 Germany 140.0 75.0   175.0 390.0 ... 420.88
3. Kronshagen Carmen 62 67.2 Luxembg 140.0 70.0   137.5 NB 347.5 NB 355.80
4. Lenander Birgit 73 63.6 Denmark 132.5 60.0   145.0 337.5 ... 359.87
5. Zangerle Sabine 71 62.8 Austria 125.0 70.0 NB 140.0 NB 335.0 NB 360.62
75.0 kg
1. Hammang Marion 64 68.3 Luxembg 162.5 115. 0 187.5 465.0 ... 470.62
2. Bachmaier Eva-Mar 70 68.6 Germany 147.5 110. 0 195.0 452.5 NB 456.57
3. Schriever Jeanett /76 74.2 Germany 150.0 85.0   135.0 370.0 *370 354.12
82.5 kg
1. Wheeler Jean 63 75.4 G. Britain 147.5 85.0   167.5 400.0 ... 379.0
2. Wampach Brigitte 56 82.2 Luxembg 162.5 77.5   160.0 400.0 ... 360.68
3. Diter Susanne 50 77.5 Denmark 132.5 67.5   127.5 327.5 ... 305.16
90.0 kg
1. Springett Carole 65 83.0 G. Britain 155.0 70.0   175.0 400.0 ... 358.88
2. Laursen Lene 72 87.5 Denmark 135.0 55.0   157.5 347.5 ... 303.92
90.0 + kg
1. Smith-Vokroj Sand 62 90.9 G. Britain 160.0 92.5   210.0 ECR 462.5 ECR 399.64 2
2. Pernille Junge 59 90.5 Denmark 110.0 52.5   122.5 285.0 ... 245.69
1. France 45 pts 4 lifters=12-12-12-9-          
1. G. Britain 45 pts 4 lifters=12-12-12-9-          
3. Luxembg 41 pts 4 lifters=12-12-9-8-          
4. Germany 38 pts 4 lifters=12-9-9-8-          
5. Denmark 33 pts 4 lifters=9-9-8-7-            
6. Spain 17 pts 2 lifters=9-8-            
7. Austria 6 pts 1 lifters=6-            
Champ of Champions
1. Jamin, Cecile FRA 500,76              
2. Fischer, Birgit GER 483.26              
3. Hammang, Marion LUX 470.62              
Menscoring 25th of July 1999
52.0 kg
1. Bach Laurent 68 51.7 France 165.0 110.0 210.0 ecr 485.0 NB 478.84
2. Avila K.Jeronimo 81 49.8 Spain 140.0 75.0 145.0 360.0 NB 369.93
56.0 kg
1. Legard Patrick 59 56.0 France 205.5 ecr 115.0 205.0 525.0 ... 477.90
2. Vith Alan 74 52.1 Denmark 170.0 122.5 ecr 170.0 462.5 ... 452.92
60.0 kg
1. Vincent Bernard 57 60.0 France 217.5 137.5 230.0 585.0 NB 498.94
2. Nemeth Jürgen 72 57.3 Austria 205.0 122.5 245.0 ecr 572.5 NB 509.75
67.5 kg
1. Gray David 64 67.4 G. Britain 237.5 140.0 260.0 ecr 637.5 NB 492.08
2. Godo Eric 72 66.5 France 212.5 117.5 242.5 572.5 NB 446.77
75.0 kg
1. Verbeke Benny 65 74.9 Belgium 250.0 127.5 300.0 ecr 677.5 ... 483.19
2. Nikolaizig Mike 65 74.5 Germany 250.0 182.5 ecr 242.5 675.0 ... 483.23
3. Pereyra Victor 72 73.1 Portugal 210.0 137.5 240.0 587.5 ... 426.29
82.5 kg
1. Singh Jaswinder 76 81.5 G. Britain 265.0 197.5 282.5 745.0 NB 502.80
2. Coimbra Anibal 72 81.1 Luxembg 270.0 172.5 297.5 740.0 ... 500.90
3. Neto Philippe 75 82.5 France 2 280.0 195.0 250.0 725.0 NB 485.67
4. Pinheiro Florindo 73 80.6 Portugal 280.0 190.0 252.5 722.5 ... 490.93
5. Schnurr Mario 66 79.8 Germany 265.0 142.5 275.0 682.5 ... 466.69
6. Huysmans Jan 60 80.5 Belgium 220.0 147.5 235.0 602.5 ... 409.7
7. Kichi Ayman 80 77.6 Spain 222.5 115.0 245.0 582.5 ... 405.59
8. Moreno Cristobal 70 77.5 Spain 190.0 100.0 220.0 510.0 ... 355.41
90.0 kg
1. Porter John 68 89.3 G. Britain 280.0 187.5 297.5 765.0 ... 490.36
2. Juliao Manuel 74 88.2 Portugal 300.0 177.5 NB 285.0 762.5 NB 491.88
3. Calderini Manuel 63 89.0 Luxembg 287.5 NB 170.0 290.0 747.5 ... 479.96
4. Recule Herve 73 88.0 France 2 270.0 180.0 290.0 NB 740.0 NB 477.96
5. Ardes Tony 74 89.6 France 2 275.0 167.5 295.0 737.5 ... 471.85
6. Hansen Kim D. 71 87.2 Denmark 210.0 152.5 250.0 612.5 ... 397.57
-- Singer Richard 63 85.1 Austria 000.0 000.0 000.0 --- Disq 0.0
100.0 kg
1. Buttigieg Frederi 64 98.6 France 320.0 225.0 ecr 305.0 850.0 ... 520.28
2. Rodriguez Paulo 66 99.0 Portugal 295.0 145.0 315.0 755.0 ... 461.38
3. Ingerslev Kjeld 66 91.2 Denmark 250.0 165.0 270.0 685.0 NB 434.42
110.0 kg
1. Rodney Andy 65 100.8 G. Britain 302.5 165.0 300.0 767.5 ... 465.64
2. Soerensen Henrik 73 100.4 Denmark 290.0 172.5 292.5 755.0 NB 458.73
3. Gerold Berhard 69 100.3 Austria 270.0 177.5 265.0 712.5 ... 433.12
-- Dumontet Andre 46 101.5 France 2 000.0 000.0 000.0 --- Disq 0.0
125.0 kg
1. Mayrhofer Josef 68 118.1 Austria 360.0 ecr 205.0 327.5 892.5 NB 515.06
2. Martins Nuno 76 115.7 Portugal 315.0 222.5 ecr 275.0 812.5 NB 471.33
3. Doerner Andy 76 116.4 Germany 330.0 175.0 290.0 795.0 ... 460.46
125.0 + kg
1. Forster Aribert 67 130.8 Germany 320.0 205.0 330.0 855.0 ... 483.07
2. Pilling Gerald 74 126.3 G. Britain 302.5 195.0 312.5 NB 810.0 NB 460.64
3. Clausen Achim 60 141.9 Germany 310.0 200.0 300.0 810.0 ... 451.73
1. France 48 pts 4 lifters=12-12-12-12-          
1. G. Britain 48 pts 4 lifters=12-12-12-12-          
3. Germany 37 pts 4 lifters=12-9-8-8-          
4. Portugal 35 pts 4 lifters=9-9-9-8-            
5. Denmark 31 pts 4 lifters=9-9-8-5-            
6. Austria 29 pts 3 lifters=12-9-8-            
7. France 2 21 pts 3 lifters=8-7-6-            
8. Belgium 17 pts 2 lifters=12-5-            
9. Luxembg 17 pts 2 lifters=9-8-            
10. Spain 16 pts 3 lifters=9-4-3-            
Champ of Champions
1. Buttigieg, Frederic FRA 520,28              
2. Mayerhofer, Josef AUT 515.06              
3. Singh, Jaswinder GBR 502,8              
4th attempts as goodlifts Singh Jaswinder GBR Bench 200.0 ecr goodlift

ecr - EU Cup Record
nr - National Record
Disq - Doping Disqualification

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