Пауэрлифтинг в Смоленской области

Пауэрлифтинг в Смоленской области


Чемпионат Европы по жиму лежа (ветераны) 03-05 Август 2001, Gönyü, Hungary

European Masters Bench Press Championships 03-05th August 2001 Gönyü, Hungary

Women masters classes AC I
- 48.0 kg
1. Vaulakorpi Irmeli/54 47.6 Finland 55.0 60.0 62.5 62.5 83.287
2. Kovacs Hannelore/56 45.7 Hungary 47.5 52.5 -55.0 52.5 72.03
- 56.0 kg
1. Krampf Andrea/58 53. 9 Austria 82.5 85.0 CRM 87.5 CRM 87.5 106.07
2. Kettunen Eija/60 55.4 Finland 72.5 77.5 82.5 82.5 97.894
3. Nowka Dina/56 55.0 Germany 70.0 72.5 75.0 75.0 89.497
- 60.0 kg
1. Taret Daniele/58 59.1 France 90.0 -97.5 -97.5 90.0 101.52
2. Eschelbacher Bett/59 59.0 Germany 82.5 -87.5 *** 82.5 93.183
3. Cunat Susanne/59 59.1 Austria 75.0 80.0 -85.0 80.0 90.248
- 67.5 kg
1. Häuser Ursula/60 65.7 Germany 87.5 92.5 CRM -97.5 CRM 92.5 91.07
2. Malassu Helena/58 63.5 Finland 60.0 67.5 -72.5 67.5 72.063
3. Nemeth Zsuzsa/55 61.8 Hungary 50.0 55.0 -62.5 .NB 55.0 59.939
- 75.0 kg
1. Takacova Hana/54 75.0 Czechia 100.0 108.0 CRM 110.0 CRM 110.0 104.56
2. Rohrmann Katalin/53 68.7 Hungary 85.0 -90.0 90.0 90.0 90.711
3. Herbin Evelyne/56 69. 6 France 85.0 90.0 -92.5 .NB 90.0 89.892
- 82.5 kg
1. Speth Eva/54 82.3 Germany 110.0 -112.5 CRM -112.5 CRM 110.0 99.120
2. Kokkonen Sirpa/58 76.8 Finland 60.0 70.0 -80.0 70.0 65.583
- 90 + kg
1. Grunske Simone/59 90.5 Germany 85.0 90.0 -95.0 90.0 77.589
in the competition starting 17 Women of that agecategory.
1. Germany 53 points with 5 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-12-9-8-
2. Finland 39 points with 4 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-9-9-9-
3. Hungary 26 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =9-9-8-
4. Austria 20 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-8-
5. France 20 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-8-
6. Czechia 12 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =12-
Champ of Champions
1. Krampf Andrea/58 AUT 106.07
2. Takacova Hana/54 CZR 104.56
3. Taret Daniele/58 FRA 101.52
Women masters classes AC II
- 48.0 kg
1. Heligon Francoise/43 46.1 France 52.5 57.5 -62.5 57.5 78.407
2. Turunen Seija/47 47.6 Finland 50.0 -55.0 -60.0 50.0 66. 63


Orenicova Eva/51 47.6 Slovakia -60.0 -60.0 -65.0 DISQ 0.0
- 52.0 kg
1. Wang Dagmar/48 51.9 Austria 77.5 -80.0

* * *

77.5 96.758
- 56.0 kg
1. Kumpuniemi Eila/42 55.0 Finland 60.0 67.5 70.0 70.0 83.531
2. McSwain Dagmar/44 55.5 Austria 57.5 -60.0 -60.0 57.5 68.131
3. Gernemont Carmen/48 52 .1 France 55.0 -60.0 -60.0 55.0 68.464
- 60.0 kg
1. Hykova Adina/43 57.4 Czechia 77.5 CRM -82.5 -82.5 77.5 89.442
2. Schubert Christel/45 58.0 Germany 47.5 50.0 52.5 52.5 60.096
- 67.5 kg
1. Thimm Anita/50 62.5 Germany 77.5 80.0 CRM -82.5 CRM 80.0 86.44
2. Brail Marie Chant/50 64.4 France 65.0 70.0 -72.5 70.0 73.948
-75.0 kg
1. Beer Rosemarie/45 74.6 Austria 100.0 105.0 CRM -107.5 CRM 105.0 100.14
2. Wimmer Erika/40 68.4 Germany -60.0 60.0 62.5 62.5 63.187
3. Gruber Anna/48 72.3 Hungary -55.0 -57.5 57.5 57.5 55.970
4. Chala Valentyna/49 70.7 Ukraina 45.0 -50.0 -50.0 45.0 44.464
- 90.0 kg
1. Pittermann Roswit/46 83.6 Germany 105.0 110.0 -112.5 110.0 98.328
2. Garöarsdottir Por/44 83.1 Iceland 77.5 -85.0 -85.0 77.5 69.486
- 90.0 + kg
- Kendziora/Roswita/51 93.1 Germany -50.0 -50.0 -50.0 DISQ 0.0
in the competition starting 18 Women of that agecategory.
1. Germany 42 points with 4 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-9-9-
2. Austria 33 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-9-
3. France 29 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-9-8-
4. Finland 21 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-9-
5. Czechia 12 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =12-
6. Iceland 9 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =9-
7. Hungary 8 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =8-
8. Ukraina 7 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =7-
Champ of Champions
1. Seer Rosemarie/45 AUT 100.14
2. Pittermann Roswit/46 GER 98.328
3. Wang Dagmar/48 AUT 96.758
Men masters classes AC I
- 52.0 kg
1. Fenzl Josef/60 51.5 Austria 55.0 60.0 -62 .5 60.0 59.478
- 56.0 kg
1. Moisseev Alexandr/54 55.2 Belorussia 95.0 -100.0 -100.0 95.0 87.713
2. Gilgert Manfred/59 54.5 Germany 75.0 -80.0 80.0 80.0 74.815
- 67.5 kg
1. Ceselvio Guy/60 66.8 France 155.0 160.0 -162.5 160.0 124.4
2. Kihlström Juheni/59 66. 9 Sweden 152.5 155.0 -162.5 155.0 120.37
3. Mihok Anton/57 65.4 Slovakia 140.0 150.0 152.5 152.5 120.64
4. Kyheröinen Raimo/52 67.2 Finland -150.0 -150.0 150.0 150.0 116.07
5. Buhm Rudolf/52 65. 9 Czechia 147.5 -152.5 -155.0 147.5 115.96
6. Muigg/Peter/58 67.3 Austria -142.5 142.5 -147.5 142.5 110.13
7. Beczo Janos/57 65.7 Hungary 125.0 -132.5 135.0 135.0 106.39
8. Vasylyev Genadiy/52 65.0 Ukraina 85.0 90.0 -95.0 90.0  
- 75.0 kg
1. Leierzopf Gerhard/61 69. 6 Austria 155.0 -160.0 160.0 160.0 120.43
2. Kekkonen Ilkka/57 74.3 Finland 155.0 160.0 -170.0 160.0 114.76
3. Gricius Antanas/56 74.6 Lithuania 152.5 160.0 -167.5 160.0 114.43
4. Riviere Alain/60 73.1 France -155.0 155.0 157.5 157.5 114.28
5. Reires Kari/60 74.5 Finland 155.0 -157.5 -160.0 155.0 110.96
6. Midtbö Lars/56 73.7 Norwegen 135.0 140.0 145.0 145.0 104.60
7. Inotai Istvan/54 74.8 Hungary 120.0 130.0 137.5 137.5 98.161
8. Siurkus Vytautas/60 73.7 Lithuania -135.0 135.0 -140.0 135.0 97.389
9. Sundstöl Birger/54 70. 9 Norwegen 112.5 -122.5 -127.5 112.5 83.497
- Weyringer Karl/51 74.2 Austria -147.5 -147.5 -147.5 DISQ 0.0
- 82.5 kg
1. Compain Didier/59 81.3 France -195.5 CRM 200.0 CRM 207.5 CRM 207.5 140.24
2. Volkov Vladimir/59 81.8 Russia -195.5 CRM 195.5 CRM -207.5 CRM 195.0 131.31
3. Fackler Werner/59 81.2 Germany 180.0 185.0 187.5 187.5 126.82
4. Synenkyy Volodymy/60 81.8 Ukraina -175.0 177.5 -187.5 177.5 119.52
- 90.0 kg
1. Pares Pacal/58 87.4 France 190.0 195.0 -197.5 195.0 126.41
2. Pritzl Lothar/59 89.3 Germany 185.0 192.5 -197.5 192.5 123.39
3. Pal Albert/61 89.5 Hungary 180.0 -190.0 190.0 190.0 121.63
4. Jansson Lars/56 87.4 Sweden 172.5 177.5 182.5 182.5 118.31
5. Hagfors Harri/61 89. 6 Finland 172.5 177.5 -185.0 177.5 113.56
6. Ardavicius Vytaut/56 87.8 Lithuania -170.0 170. -175.0 170.0 109.93
- Markwat Marek/52 86. 6 Poland -202.5 -202.5 -202.5 DISQ 0.0
- 100 kg
1. DaSilva Acacio/60 98.0 France 200.0 210.0 -217.5 210.0 128.85
2. Hischke Frank/61 96.0 Germany -200.0 200.0 -215.0 200.0 123.82
3. Dalos Otto/54 97.6 Hungary 170.0 -177.5 177.5 177.5 109.10
4. Berndorf Per/60 90.4 Denmark 162.5 170.0 -177.5 170.0 108.29
5. Bondarenko Anatol/56 90.5 Lithuania 165.0 -175.0 -175.0 165.0 105.03
6. Baxter Bob/59 90.6 Great Britain 150.0 -157.5 -160.0 150.0 95.445
7. Pokornyi Janos/52 98.5 Hungary -150.0 150.0 -160.0 150.0 91.844
- 110 kg
1. Jahnke Fred/57 108.7 Germany 220.0 -230.0 235.0 235.0 138.81
2. Koblov Alexander/58 109.7 Russia 210.0 222.5 232.5 232.5 136.94
3. Furmanek Jerzy/52 100. 9 Poland -230.0 230.0 -240.0 230.0 139.47
4. Fartel Janos/60 107.0 Hungary 210.0 -215.0 -217.5 210.0 124.67
5. Savonen Kauko/57 108.7 Finland 195.0 -207.5 -207.5 195.0 115.18
6. Sandor Attila/52 109.7 Hungary 170.0 -177.5 -180.0 170.0 100.13
- 125.0 kg
1. Kruk Wieslaw/58 111.7 Poland 2 60.0 CRM -280.0 CR -280.0 CR 260.0 152.30
2. Simanenko Vladimi/60 124.2 Russia 225.0 230.0 -240.0 230.0 131.23
3. Eszenyi Istvan/57 114.0 Hungary -220.0 220.0 -230.0 220.0 128.12
4. Papini Massimo/57 113.5 Italy 215.0 -220.0 -225.0 215.0 125.36
5. Vilppola Kari/55 117.3 Finland 202.5 210.0 -217.5 210.0 121.40
6. Romanek Henryk/59 121.0 Poland 205.0 210.0 -220.0 210.0 120.49
7. Speth Anton/55 122.3 Germany -200.0 200.0 -202.5 200.0 114.5
8. Horvath Joszef/56 110.2 Hungary -180.0 180.0


180.0 105.87
- 125.0 + kg
1. Vana Bohumil/51 127.0 Czechia 230.0 -240.0 -240.0 230.0 130.66
2. Sota Antonin/52 125.7 Czechia 205.0 210.0 -230.0 210.0 119.53
- Cuber Jan/59 154.1 Poland -200.0 -200.0 -200.0 DISQ 0.0
in competition starting 56 Men of that agecategory.
1. France 55 points with 5 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-12-12-7-
2. Germany 51 points with 6 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-9-9-9-8-4-
3. Finland 40 points with 6 lifters Club/nations pointslist =9-7-6-6-6-6-
4. Hungary 40 points with 6 lifters Club/nations pointslist =8-8-8-7-5-4-
5. Austria 29 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-5-
6. Czechia 27 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-9-6-
7. Russia 27 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =9-9-9-
8. Poland 25 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-8-5-
9. Lithuania 22 points with 4 lifters Club/nations pointslist =8-6-5-3-
10. Sweden 16 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =9-7-
11. Belorussia 12 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =12-
12. Ukraina 10 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =7-3-
13. Slovakia 8 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =8-
14. Italy 7 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =7-
15. . Denmark 7 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =7-
16. Norwegen 7 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =5-2-
17 Great Britain 5 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =5-
Champ of Champions Masters I
1. Kruk Wieslaw/58 POL 152.30
2. Compain Didier/59 FRA 140.24
3. Jahnke Fred/57 GER 138.81
Men masters classes AC II
- 60.0 kg
1. Geese Rainer/43 59.4 Germany 105.0 107.5 112.5 112.5 96.84
2. Lietzau Joachim/50 59.2 Germany 97.5 -105.0 110.0 110.0 94.985
3. Hansen Bent/41 59.5 Denmark 72.5 80.0 -85.0 80.0 ... 68.752
- 67.5 kg
1. Kapor Dr.Jozef/51 67.2 Hungary 135.0 142.5 -145.0 142.5 110.26
2. 3ette Jaques/50 67.5 France 135.0 137.5 140.0 140.0 107.94
3. Inkinen Juha/46 66.1 Finland -132.5 135.0 137.5 137.5 107.82
4. Furssev Oleg/46 66. 9 Belorussia 125.0 130.0 132.5 132.5 102.89
5. Rothenberger Rola/47 66.4 Germany -110.0 110.0 -115.0 110.0 85.943
- Eriksson Börje/42 66.4 Sweden -130.0 -130.0 -140.0 DISQ 0.0
- 75.0 kg
1. Eriksson Allan/46 72.5 Sweden -155.0 155.0 CRM 160.0 CRM 160.0 116.8
2. Thomas Rainer/50 74.5 Germany -155.0 155.0 CRM -160.0 CRM 155.0 110.96
3. Macrow Stan/49 72.9 Great Britain 135.0 140.0 142.5 142.5 103.61
- 82.5 kg
1. Paanan Taisto/49 81.2 Finland 165.0 177.5 -180.0 177.5 120.06
2. Escolano Louis/45 81.3 France 165.0 -175.0 -175.0 -175.0 111.52
3. Jaloweczki Attila/47 80. 9 Hungary 145.0 152.5 157.5 157.5 106.76
4. Siklosi Attila/42 81.3 Hungary -130.0 135.0 -140.0 135.0 91.246
5. Schauer Pavol/51 76.8 Czechia 117.5 122.5 125.0 125.0 87.637
6. Mattila Kari/45 81. 9 Sweden 115.0 -125.0 125.0 125.0 84.112


Verebi Istvan/51 81.3 Hungary 127.5 132.5 -137.5 DISQ 89.556
- 90.0 kg
1. Halavach Vladimir/50 88.3 Belorussia 170.0 175.0 -182.5 175.0 112.82
2. Paananen Usko/48 89.8 Sweden 165.0 175.0 -182.5 175.0 111.84
3. Pietsch Hans-Jürg/48 84.2 Germany 170.0 -175.0 -175.0 170.0 112.52


Hodne Ketil/47 86.5 Norwegen -125.0 -125.0 -135.0 DISQ 0.0
- Marozsi Ferenc/47 88.2 Hungary -150.0 -150.0 -150.0 DISQ 0.0
- 100.0 kg
1. Hajdu Mihaly/50 98. 9 Hungary -182.5 182.5 -190.0 182.5 111.56
2. Hornik Jiri/48 96.3 Czechia 145.0 -155.0 155.0 155.0 95.836
3. Bienert Uwe/51 91.6 Germany 120.0



120.0 75.936
- 110.0 kg
1. Lovasz György/50 109.4 Hungary 210.0 CRM -215.0 CRM 215.0 CRM 215.0 126.74
2. Grabowski Wojciec/51 101.6 Poland 190.0 -200.0 -200.0 190.0 114.91
3. Heer Wolfgang/45 105.5 Germany -165.0 170.0 -177.5 170.0 101.42
4. Circhmore Ken/4 6 106.6 Great Britain 147.5 155.0 160.0 160.0 95.12
5. Standinger Istvan/50 101.0 Hungary 135.0 140.0 -145.0 140.0 84.868
- 125.0 kg
1. King Mick/49 119.7 Great Britain 190.0 200.0 CRM -205.0 CRM 200.0 115.06
2. Plewa Edward/51 111.4 Poland 185.0 192.5 -195.0 192.5 112.86
3. Nygard Kurt/4 6 111.8 Finland -175.0 175.0 180.0 180.0 105.40
4. Kolar Alexandr/43 114.5 Czechia 165.0 -170.0 -177.5 165.0 95.980
5. Boström Georg/47 121.4 Sweden 125.0 *** *** 125.0 71.675
- Weber Karl/50 111.8 Germany -180.0 -180.0 -180.0 DISQ 0.0
- 125.0 + kg
1. Voscul Karl-Heinz/4 9 141.8 Germany 185.0 -192.5 CRM 192.5 CRM 192.5 107.37
2. Tuomikoski Erkki/47 127.5 Finland -175.0 175.0 185.0 185.0 105.00
3. Bjornsson Ludvik/44 132.1 Iceland 165.0 -172.5 -172.5 165.0 93.060
in competition starting 41 Men of that agecategory.
1. Germany 58 points with 6 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-9-9-8-8-
2. Hungary 57 points with 6 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-12-8-7-6-
3. Finland 37 points with 4 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-9-8-8-
4. Sweden 32 points with 4 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-9-6-5-
5. Great Britain 27 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-8-7-
6. Czechia 22 points with 3 lifters Club/nations pointslist =9-7-6-
7. Belorussia 19 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-7-
8. Poland 18 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =9-9-
9. France 18 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =9-9
10. Denmark 8 points with 1 lifte r Club/nations -pointslist =8-
11. Iceland 8 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =8-
Champ of Champions Masters II
1. Lovasz Gyurgy/47 HUN 126.74
2. Paanan Taisto/4 9 FIN 120.06
3. Eriksson Allan/46 SWE 116.80
Men masters classes AC III
- 60.0 kg
1. Diepold Alexander/37 59.8 Germany 85.0 92.5 -100.0 92.5 79.133
- 75.0 kg
1. Volnin Louis/36 74.0 France 125.0 -130.0 -130.0 125.0 89.912
- 82.5 kg
1. Kallio Olavi/33 81.7 Finland 145.0 150.0 -152.5 150.0 101.08
2. Martinez Jose Lou/39 81.3 Spain -145.0 -147.5 147.5 147.5 99.695
3. Wimmer Josef/36 79.2 Germany 110.0 115.0 117.5 117.5 80.734

. .

Sosna Peter/39 77.5 Germany -100.0 -100.0 -100.0 DISQ 0.0
- 90.0 kg
1. Kämpe Knut/40 89.0 Norwegen 157.5 162.5 167.5 167.5 107.55
2. Wittkowski Günthe/40 88.8 Germany 150.0 -160.0 -162.5 150.0 96.42
3. Hofirele Jiri/41 89.7 Czechia 115.0 120.0 -130.0 .NB 120.0 76.740
- 100.0 kg
1. Schubert Roland/40 98.1 Germany 190.0 195.0 -197.5 195.0 119.61
2. Rantanen Lauri/40 97.2 Finland -150.0 -150.0 150.0 150.0 92.37
3. Barrie Scott/38 91.5 Great Britain 100.0 107.5 110.0 110.0 69.641
4. Kolditz Wolfgang/40 90.6 Germany 95.0 102.5 -107.5 102.5 65.220
- 110.0 kg
1. Engebretsen Egil/39 106. 6 Norwegen 175.0 -185.0 -185.0 175.0 104.03
2. Kasza Laszlo/41 106.1 Hungary 150.0 -155.0 155.0 155.0 92.286
3. Thell Wilhelm/39 102.7 Austria 140.0 145.0 150.0 150.0 90.36
- 125.0 kg
1. Kontto Mauno/41 123.5 Finland 175.0 185.0 195.0 195.0 111.40
2. Suonpää Riku/40 111.4 Finland -135.0 135.0 145.0 145.0 85.013
- 125.0 + kg
1. Säätelä Päiviö/ 36 134.4 Finland 180.0 187.5 -200.0 187.5 105.45


Schwarz Peter/40 125.3 Germany -182.5 -185.0 -187.5 DISQ 0.0
- Dobroi Eduard/41 136.3 Estonia -155.0 -155.0 -160.0 DISQ 0.0
in competition starting 21 Men of that agecategory.
1. Finland 54 points with 5 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-12-9-9-
2. Germany 48 points with 5 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-9-8-7-
3. Norwegen 24 points with 2 lifters Club/nations pointslist =12-12-
4. France 12 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =12-
5. Hungary 9 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =9-
6. Spain 9 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =9-
7. Czechia 8 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =8-
8. Austria 8 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =8-
9. Great Britain 8 points with 1 lifter Club/nations pointslist =8-
Champ of Champions Masters III
1. Schubert Roland/40 GER 119.61
2. Kontto Mauro/41 FIN 111.40
3. Kämpe Knut/40 NOR 107.55

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