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The World Drug-Free Powerlifing Federation Rule Book Revised January 2007. Equipment and specifications.II EQUIPMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS:A. PLATFORM:1. All lifts shall be carried out on a platform measuring between 2.5 m x 2.5 m (8 ft. x 8ft.) minimum and 4.O m x 4.O m (13 ft x 13 ft) maximum. The surface of the platform must be flat, firm, non-slip and level, and must not exceed l0 cms. (3.95 ins.) in height from the surrounding stage or floor. 2. The surface of the platform may be treated with an approved non-slip coating. Loose rubber mats or similar sheeting materials are not permitted. No additives may be applied to or inserts incorporated in, either the platform or its surface. B. BARS and DISCS:1. For all Powerlifting contests organized under the rules of the WDFPF, only disc barbells are permitted and these must be calibrated in Kilograms. The use of discs that do not meet the correct specifications will invalidate the contest and any records accomplished. Only those bars and discs that meet all specifications may be used throughout the entire competition and for all lifts. A different bar which need not have center knurling, may be used for the Deadlift only. The bar or bars shall not be changed during the competition unless bent or damaged in some way as determined by the referees. Bars to be used in international championships shall not be chromed between the inside collars. 2. The bar shall be straight and well knurled and grooved, and shall conform to the following dimensions: a. Total overall length not to exceed 2.2 m (7 ft. 2.6 ins).
3. Disc shall conform as follows: a. All discs used in international competition must weigh within 0.25 percent of their correct face value.
4. Disc must be in the following range:
5. For record purposes, lighter discs may be used to achieve a weight of at least 500 grams more than the existing record. These should be in the following range: 0.25 kg. = from 0.249375 to 0.250625 kg. 6. Discs weighing 25 kg and over must not exceed 6 cm (2.36 ins.) in thickness. Discs weighing 20 kg. and under which exceed 3 cm (1.18 ins.) in thickness will be limited to one pair of each denomination on any given load. No disc will exceed 6 cm. in thickness (2.36 ins.). 7. Discs (rubber or steel) must conform to the following color-coding: 10 kg. and below = any color 8. All discs must be clearly marked with their weight and loaded in the sequence of heavier discs innermost with the smalerl discs in descending weight arranged so that the referees can read the weight on each disc. 9. The first and heaviest discs loaded on the bar must be loaded face in: with the rest of the discs loaded face out. 10. The diameter of the largest disc shall be no more than 45 cm (17.9 ins) C. COLLARS:1. Shall always be used in competition. 2. Must weigh 2.5 kg each, plus or minus 0.25%. D. SQUAT RACKS:1. Squat racks must be of sturdy construction and provide maximum stability. The base shall be of such design that it does not impede the lifter or the spotter-loaders. It may consist of a one-piece unit or two separate stands designed to hold the bar in a horizontal position. 2. The squat racks shall be designed to adjust from a minimum height of lOO m. (3ft. 3.4 ins) in the lowest position - to extend to a height of at least 1.70 m. (5 ft. 6.93 ins.) in 5 cm. (1.98 in.) increments. 3. All hydraulic racks must be capable of being secured at the required height by means of pins. E. BENCH:The bench shall be of sturdy construction for maximum stability and conform to the following dimensions: 1. Length - not less than l.22m. (4ft. 0.O3 ins.) and shall be flat and level. 2. Width - 29-32cm. (11.4 ins.- 12.6 ins.). 3. Height - 42-47.5cm. (16.54 ins.- 18.53 ins.) measured from the floor to the top of the padded surface of the bench without being depressed or compacted (Amd. 1998, AGM). 4. Height of the uprights - on adjustable benches shall be a minimum of 82cm. (32.3 ins.) to a maximum of 100cm. (39.38 ins), measured from the floor to the bar rest position. On non-adjustable benches, the height of the uprights must be between 87cm. (34.25 ins.) and 100cm. (39.38 ins.) from the floor to the bar rest position. 5. Minimum width between insides of bar rests - 1.10m. (43.3 ins.) F. WARM-UP AREA:All equipment provided for the warm-up area must be the same as or comparable to the platform equipment (1994 AGM). G. LIGHTS:1. A system of lights shall be provided whereby the referees make known their decisions. Each referee will control a white and red light, representing a “good lift” or “no lift” respectively. 2. The lights shall be arranged horizontally to correspond with the positions of the three referees. They must be wired in such a way that they light up together and not separately when activated by the referees. 3. For emergency purposes, i.e. a breakdown in the electrical system, the referees will be provided with small white and red flags with which to make known their decisions upon the Head Referee?s Command “show”. The numbered cards issued to members of the Jury shall correspond with the allocated light positions of the three referees reading 1, 2, 3, from the left to the right, viewed from the front of the platform. H. SCALES:Any type of scale is acceptable as long as it can be calibrated to 0.1 kg. (100 grams) and has been certified within the previous twelve months (Amd. 1992 AGM). Proof of certification must be available for inspection. I. HEALTH & SAFETY:The provision and use of equipment and substances to protect against the possibility of blood-borne pathogens/infections, is mandatory. (Amd. 1996 Postal Ballot).
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