Пауэрлифтинг в Смоленской области

Пауэрлифтинг в Смоленской области


The World Drug-Free Powerlifing Federation Rule Book Revised January 2007. Conduct of competition.



1. The HEAD REFEREE IN CHARGE: The Head Referee in Charge is appointed by the W.D.F.P.F. President under advisement from the Technical Committee, International Liaisons of member nations, and the Championships Director.


a. Speaker/Announcer.
b. Time Keeper (Preferably a qualified referee)
c. Marshals/ Expediters.
d. Spotter/loaders.
e. Scorers.
f. Other positions such as an additional set of expediters and score keepers at the overhead projectors,
personnel to run the weight-on-the bar signs, platform managers etc.
g. Additional officials may be appointed as required, e.g., doctors, paramedics, etc.
h. The Championships Director must supply “wall charts”, which are to be continuously updated with LOAD of each attempt and an indication of PASSED/FAILED.  The Wall Charts must be listed by WEIGHT CLASS, and include the following information:  LIFTER’S NAME; NATION; LOT #; BODY WEIGHT; FORMULA; OPENING ATTEMPTS in each of the 3 events, and Categories of competition (OPEN and any other “category” entered.


a. Referees for each session and each event.
b. Records keepers.
c. Officials in charge of the Equipment Check.
d. Officials in charge of the Weigh-in.


1. The Speaker/Announcer is responsible for the efficient running of the competition. The Speaker/Announcer acts as Master of Ceremonies and arranges the attempts chosen by the lifters in an orderly fashion, dictated by weight and if necessary, lot number. This official announces the weight (in kilograms) required for the next attempt and the name of the lifter.

2. When the bar is loaded and the platform cleared for lifting, the Chief Referee will indicate the fact to the Speaker/Announcer, who will in turn announce that the bar is ready and call the lifter to the platform.

3. Attempts announced by the speaker should then be displayed on “Wall Charts” or some type of scoreboard erected in a prominent position. For a list of minimum information to be included, refer to “C.h”.above.

4. The Time Keeper is responsible for accurately recording the time lapse between the announcement that the bar is ready and the lifter starting the attempt. Other responsibilities include recording and announcing the three minute rest period [warning given with one (1) minute remaining]; noticing that the lifters leave the platform within 30 seconds following their attempt (failure of the lifter to comply with this rule may result in disqualification of the attempt at the discretion of the Chief Referee); and indication to the expediter that one minute has elapsed following the attempt.

5. The lifter is allowed one minute in which to start his attempt after being called to the platform. If he does not start his attempt within this time allowance, the timekeeper will call time and the Chief Referee shall give the audible command “Rack” or “Down” depending on the lift. The lift will be declared “no lift” and the attempt forfeited. When the lifter starts the lift within the prescribed time allowance, the clock will be stopped.

6. Once a clock is running for a lifter, it can only be stopped by the completion of a time allowance, by the start of a lift, or at the discretion of the Chief Referee. Consequently, it is of great importance that the lifter or coach check the height of the squat racks prior to being called, as once the bar is announced as loaded, the clock will be started. Any further adjustments of the equipment must be made within the lifter's one minute allowance.

7. The definition of the start of an attempt depends upon the particular lift being performed. In the Squat and the Bench Press, the start is to coincide with the referee?s commencement signal. Refer to “Referee”, Item 3. In the Deadlift, the start is when the lifter makes a determined attempt to raise the bar from the platform.

8. The Marshals/Expediters are responsible for collecting each attempt weight from the lifter or coach and passing the information without delay to the Speaker/Announcer. The lifter is allowed one minute between completing the last attempt and informing the Speaker/Announcer, via the Expediter, of the weight required for the next attempt. * After the one minute has elapsed, the lifter will be warned. After five (5) minutes have elapsed, the lifter has failed to declare the next attempt, that next attempt can be forfeited.

* This time will be monitored by the Marshal/ Expediter.

9. The Spotters-Loaders are responsible for loading and unloading the bar, adjusting equipment as required, cleaning the bar or platform at the request of the Chief Referee, and generally ensuring that the platform is well maintained and presents a neat and tidy appearance at all times.  At no time shall there be less than two or more than five spotter-loaders on the platform.

10. When the lifter prepares for the attempt, the Spotter-Loaders may assist in removing the bar from the racks. They may also assist in replacing the bar after the attempt. However, they shall not touch the lifter or the bar during the actual attempt, i.e., during the period of time that elapse between commencement and completion signals. The only exception to this rule being if the lift is in jeopardy and likely to result in injury to the lifter, the Spotter-Loaders may, either at the request of the Chief Referee or the lifter, step in and relieve the lifter of the bar. If the lifter is deprived of an otherwise successful attempt by the error of a Spotter-Loader and through no fault of their own, they may be awarded another attempt at the discretion of the referees at the end of the round.

11. The Scorers are responsible for accurately recording the progress of the competition, and on completion, ensuring that the three referees for each event sign the official score sheets, record certificates or any other document requiring signatures.

12. The Records Keeper is appointed by the Head Referee in charge of the Championship.  When a record attempt is announced, the Records Keeper should immediately confirm the weight loaded on the bar, and compare it with the existing record. If the lift is successful, the Records Keeper should begin to fill out the record form or certificate for the lifter. The information needed may be found on the lifter’s card or may be taken from the lifter. It is the responsibility of the Records Keeper to collect any birth certificates required in the claiming of age group records. Note:Since1993,all WDFPF records are taken directly from the Championships Table Score Sheets therefore “record forms” are no longer  in use.

13. Referees for each session; for each event; for Equipment Check and for Weigh-In: See Section VIII. (REFEREES).


During any competition taking place on a platform or stage, only the lifter, coach, members of the Jury, officiating referees and spotter-loaders will be allowed around the platform or on the stage. During the execution of a lift, only the lifter, spotter-loaders and the referees are permitted to be present on the platform. Coaches shall remain within the designated coaching area as defined by the Jury, or Head Referee in charge. The only exception to this rule is on the Bench Press event where the lifter may select anyone to assist with the lift-off of the bar from the rack. (Amd. 1993 AGM)


A lifter shall not wrap or adjust his costume within the vicinity of the platform. The only exception to this rule is that the belt may be adjusted while on the platform.


In International matches between two lifters or two nations contested in different bodyweight categories, the lifters may alternate irrespective of weight required for the attempts. The lifter requiring the lightest weight in the initial lift shall lift first and thereby set the order for the alternate attempts throughout that particular event.


In WDFPF recognized competitions, the weight of the barbell must always be a multiple of 2.5kg. (The weight shall be announced in kilograms.) Exceptions to this rule:

1. In a record attempt the weight of the barbell must be at least 500 grams in excess of the current record.  This record attempt must be taken in the normal sequence of increasing weight during the competition.

2. During the course of the competition, if a record attempt is requested that is not a multiple of 2.5kg, and it is requested within prescribed attempts, and the lifter performs a “Good Lift”, then only the lower closest multiple of 2.5kg will be recorded on the score sheet and the exact weight will appear on the record application; i.e., 233 kg requested for squat lift on the lifter’s second attempt - the lift is a “Good Lift” – 232.5kg will be entered on the score sheet and 233kg will be entered on the record application.


The Chief Referee will be solely responsible for decisions taken in the case of loading errors or incorrect announcements by the speaker.  This decision will be given to the speaker who will make the appropriate announcement. Examples of Errors in Loading:

1. If the bar is loaded to a lighter weight than originally requested and the attempt is successful, the lifter may accept the successful attempt or elect to take the attempt again at the originally requested weight.  If the attempt is not successful, the lifter will be granted a further attempt at the originally requested weight at the end of the round in which the error occurred.

2. If the bar is loaded to a heavier weight than originally requested and the attempt is successful, the lifter will be granted the attempt.  The weight may be reduced again if required for other lifters.  If the attempt is not successful, the lifter will be granted a further attempt at the originally requested weight at the end of the round in which the error occurred.

3. If by error the loading is not the same on each side of the bar; or if any change occurs on the bar or discs during the execution of the lift; or if the platform is disarranged - and the lift is successful, the lifter may accept the attempt or elect to take the attempt again at the end of the round.  If the attempt is not successful, the lifter will be granted a further attempt, but only at the end of the round.

4. If the speaker/announcer makes a mistake by announcing a weight lighter or heavier than that requested by the lifter, the Chief Referee will make the correction according to the procedures as for errors in loading.

5. If for any reason it is not possible for the lifter or coach to remain in the vicinity of the platform in order to follow the progress of the competition and the lifter misses an attempt because the speaker omitted to announce that lifter’s appropriate weight, then the weight will be reduced as necessary and the lifter allowed to take the attempt without rotating to the end of the round.


Three unsuccessful attempts in any event will automatically eliminate the lifter from the competition.


Other than initial removal of the bar from the racks, the lifter will not receive any help from the spotter/loaders in assuming the start position for an attempt.


On completion of an attempt, a lifter shall leave the platform within thirty seconds.  Failure to comply with this rule may result in disqualification of the attempt at the discretion of the referees.


If during a competition a lifter suffers injury, the official doctor has the right of examination.  If the doctor considers it inadvisable for the lifter to continue, the doctor may, in consultation with the Jury, insist upon the lifter retiring from the competition.  The team manager or coach must be officially informed of such a decision.


In an effort to protect against the possibility of blood borne pathogens/infections, athletes will NOT be allowed to strike their heads on the bar during competition.


Any lifter or coach, who by reason of misconduct on or near the competition platform which is likely to discredit the sport, shall be officially warned.  If the misconduct continues, the Jury (or referees, in the absence of a Jury) may disqualify the lifter and order the coach to leave the venue.  The team manager must be officially informed of both warning and disqualification.


1. In International competition all appeals against referee decisions, complaints regarding the progress of the competition or against the behavior of any person or persons taking part in the competition, will be made in writing to the Jury.  The appeal or complaint must be lodged with the Chairman of the Jury by the tea manager, or by the team coach.  This must be done immediately following the action for which the complaint is being filed.

2. If deemed necessary, the Jury may temporarily suspend the progress of the competition and retire to consider an appeal/complaint verdicts.  After due consideration and upon reaching majority verdict, the Jury will return and the chairman will inform the complainant of the decision.  The Juries verdict will be considered final and there will be no right of appeal to any other body.

3. In the event of a complaint being made against a lifting member or an official of an opposing team, the written complaint shall be accompanied by the cash sum of $75 or its equivalent in any currency.  Should the Jury in its verdict consider that the complaint is of a frivolous or mischievous nature, then the whole or any portion of the said sum may be retained and donated to the WDFPF at the discretion of the Jury.


Brief breaks between events are suggested for the convenience of the referees.  If a single flight is lifting in a round, a break of 30 minutes is suggested for warm-up between events.


When small numbers of lifters compose a flight, it may be necessary to increase the time between rounds in order for the lifters to adequately prepare for their next attempts.  If less than 10 lifters compose a flight the additional rest period should be similar to the time, which would be taken by 10 lifters competing.


Any decisions concerning an attempt, the removal of a lifter or coach, or the granting of another attempt must be made known to the speaker/announcer, scorekeeper, coach and lifter as soon as such a decision is reached.  The communication will be made by the Chair of the Jury or the Chief Referee.

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